
Into Your Legacy

Beginning to Build Your Dream


L.E.A.P. Into Your Legacy

Beginning to Build Your Dream

Are you feeling stuck in your current situation? Do you believe your are here for a greater purpose, but are not able to fulfill that purpose where you are currently? Do you have unfulfilled dreams, visions, and a yearning to leave a legacy for those who will follow you?

” L.E.A.P. Into Your Legacy – Beginning to Build Your Dream” focuses on Letting go of that which is no longer serving you through shifting your mindset; Evaluating what you want in life based on your passions, hobbies, and vision; Assessing your skillsets to determine what you can do and what others can do for you; and Planning your landing through next steps and an exit strategy.

Grab my hand and together we will leap into your legacy and begin building your dreams!!!

Coming August 2021

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Announcing Launchathon Best Seller Campaign Day
A Once in a Lifetime Event Where 12 Independent Authors Get Together to Seek a World Record.
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About the Author

Stephanie Angle holds a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and has served students in her words, “from birth to death” over the past 30 years in her career as an educator. She owned her own in-home daycare and has taught students in K-12 schools, as well as at the college level. Angle dreamt of working in a position that gave her the ability to make a greater impact, but it was never to be. Instead, her health and well-being began to take a turn due to others’ expectations and their view of how her career should unfold. She took back control of her life by taking the leap into entrepreneurship. Angle founded Advantage Angle where she and her team will keep you moving forward in your personal growth and business goals.
Stephanie Angle


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